Levator Ani Syndrome
You may have a condition called Levator Ani Syndrome.
It is a rare painful condition of sporadic burning pain in the rectum region. The pain is believed to be the result of spasm in the levator ani muscle, itself, and/or inflammation of the acrus tendon. It is estimated that roughly 7.4% of women in the general population have levator ani syndrome as compared to 5.4% of men.
What are the symptoms?
More specifically, symptoms include: Dull aching or burning pain typically located slightly to the left of the anus, 2 inches above it, or even higher up in the rectum lasting about half an hour. It also felt during intercourse and or with painful ejaculation. Palpation of the levator ani muscles causes pain.
What are the causes?
People always wonder why they have this condition. Childbirth and surgery are suspected to be potential causes or at the very least precipitating factors that may make one more likely to develop it. It also becomes worse during very stressful high anxiety situations.
There is very little research on the condition and relatively little is known about it. However, Dr. Gupta can offer a variety of treatments to help with the pain caused by this condition. There are a variety treatments for this condition. Some of which we recommend include in-office and at home treatments including a prescription for muscle relaxers, cannibus, botox, infusion therapy, and hypogastric plexux blocks. Want more information? Contact our office today to schedule a consultation.